We are proud to announce that Tangible Benefit have moved from being a Dell Platinum Partner to now a Dell Titanium Black Partner. This is the highest level of accreditation offered by Dell to their partners.

We are only 1 out of 10 resellers across the globe that have been awarded this title with this exclusive accreditation giving us access to the highest level of consumer support, commercial benefits, and having the ability to have Dell experts accurately tailor road mapping sessions for future technologies to come.

This is only one of the many benefits that has arisen from our recent acquisition by the Bechtle Group.

Being part of the Bechtle Group now means that we are part of a truly global organisation, with offices in more than 14 countries and internationally included in the Global IT Alliance (GITA).

This allows us to have a tailor made solution for all customers – in the UK – or outside!


To benefit from our close relationship with Dell and direct line into the business, please contact our Sales team today on 0207 837 7737.